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    Bird control

    Despite the huge importance of birds to ecosystems, some species destroy crops, pollute buildings and inconvenience people, causing significant economic losses and negative impacts on human and animal health.

    It should be stressed that bird control is not about killing birds. Like all integrated pest management, bird control is not about eradication, but about prevention of unwanted or harmful effects.

    Do you have problems with birds flying into your premises or nesting indoors? Have you tried all the measures but still no result? Credo’s experts will help you find the best solution:

    • deterrence of birds by mechanical means such as spikes and other means (including from boats and yachts);
    • deterrence of birds using physical methods such as sound, ultrasonic pulses, laser systems, etc;
    • use of visual repellents;
    • combination and adaptation of all these systems to the specific situation;
    • advice on bird control.

    Our solutions are used in homes, offices, factories, bridges and the agricultural industry. Residential houses and buildings are often the target of birds. Birds perching on the roof and drainpipes decorate the building’s façade. In addition, when birds breed in backyards and gardens, there are large amounts of faeces. We offer effective solutions. We will inspect your property and give you advice, based on all the advantages and disadvantages. Different solutions will be evaluated on the basis of appearance and efficiency. Protection against swallow droppings. Solutions for beach houses, pools and villas. Solutions to protect against woodpeckers.


    Factories and offices

    Large warehouses and factories attract birds because they are convenient for nesting. Birds ignore equipment and materials. We offer effective solutions. We will take a look at your property and give you tips after evaluating all the advantages and disadvantages. We will evaluate different solutions based on appearance and efficiency. Architectural facades require eye-level bird control solutions. Modern steel and glass façades require highly effective bird control solutions that blend harmoniously with the overall appearance of the building. Effective bird control solutions for multi-storey car parks. Multi-storey car parks are places where birds form colonies, find shelter and build nests. Our solutions will help you solve these problems. Keep your warehouse doors safe from birds. Birds like to nest in large industrial buildings. Large striped curtains are placed in front of the entrance to prevent birds from entering the factory premises.

    Public buildings and large industrial plants

    Pigeons are often found in public places, especially in city centres, because that’s where they find food. Birds are also attracted to large industrial plants such as power stations, landfills, sewage treatment plants and bridges. We offer effective solutions. We will take a look at your property and give you tips after evaluating all the advantages and disadvantages. We will evaluate different solutions based on appearance and efficiency. Bird protection under bridges. Protection in waste landfills. Protection of monuments.


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