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Disinfestation, or insect control
Insects are probably the most common problem for our customers.They are the largest group of pests, varying not only in size, but also in the characteristics of feeding, behaviour, adaptation to the environment.In addition to damaging foodstuffs, insects also damage building structures and decor, damage museum collections, contaminate foodstuffs, and carry pathogens. Let’s not forget that some insects not only irritate people, – they also bite: For example, we should be particularly careful with wasps, as they can seriously damage people’s health and businesses.It is precisely because of the diversity of insects that Credo’s specialists use a variety of insecticides ⎯ chemical preparations to combat insect pests. Most importantly, we can choose products, formulations and active ingredients that have the best effect on the insects they control and the lowest risk.
When it comes to insect control, our specialists can tailor individual control methods to suit each situation, adapting to the specifics of our customers’ businesses.
We choose the right solution for your needs.
There are no insect pests beyond our control!

PEST CONTROL involves the protection of human health, property and food resources from unwanted harmful organisms ⎯ pests.